DISCLAIMER: As of 26/04/2022 this project is no longer maintained
This project came about a few months after Pigeonalytics. This app was built to provide a better and faster way to access pigeon release information on race days.
There are all kind of different categories of races during the weekend; These are all releases at different times, for example West Flemish pigeons are released at different times than Limburg pigeons.
This release information can be found on the website of the KBDB, the Belgian pigeon federation. But you will have noticed that this is a nerve-racking process, you have to go to this website yourself, and then look in a list to see if your pigeons have already been released. To make matters worse, the KBDB website is not mobile friendly at all!
And that’s how I came up with the idea of Duiven Alarm. The app consists of two parts, a Laravel back-end service that scrapes the data from the KBDB website and an API that can be consumed by a JavaScript front-end.
The general idea of the app is simple, once you download the app you are able to subscribe to the flights you participate on, once subscribed you will receive real time push notifications when a flight is released. All of this is powered by periodically scraping and pushing afterwards.
For the front-end I chose Nativescript, the realization of the UI is done with Vue, although with Nativescript components. The push messages are sent through Google Firebase.
If you’re curious to download the app itself, it’s up on the Google Play Store. Download Duiven Alarm.
DISCLAIMER: As of 26/04/2022 this project is no longer maintained